Who are we ?

      - All your operations in a single SaaS software -

        Who are the creators?

        Homme avec les bras croisés et souriant sur fond blanc

        Barthélémy Longueville

        Passionate about the issues related to digital transformation and innovation, I have 20 years of experience in industry and technology; in France and internationally (including 9 years in China).

        Creating olome means providing solutions to industrial SMEs & ETIs to take advantage of digital technologies.

        Being more competitive, more innovative, improving your working environment and your image, with French and European technologies, it's possible!

        Homme souriant avec des lunettes sur la tête

        Yvan Rivaux

        Convinced of the need for rapid digital transformation of French and European industry to help reindustrialization and find new areas of competitiveness.

        Digital must be simple, intuitive, affordable and pragmatic so that industrial SMEs can approach the digital shift with ease.

        The creation of olome is based on these intuitions and on more than 20 years of experience in industry , digital, business development in France, the United States , the Middle East and Asia. 

        Why did you create olome?

        We have 40 years of combined experience in industry and digital. olome is a digital environment in which you follow all the operational resources (materials, raw materials, machines, HR, equipment, etc.) of the company. Thanks to olome technology and Singl Ⓒ you dematerialize your resources, trace their life cycle, and improve your operational excellence.

        olome works alone or in conjunction with existing IT infrastructures. The generic nature of the solution allows rapid installation, can be used everywhere and by everyone and does not require heavy and costly IT investment.